January 5th, 2019
After the recent flooding in the northern region of Sri Lanka, people lack the basic resources needed to survive. They have asked for water bottles, mosquito coils, biscuits, milk powder, and other necessary items. We have found a safe way to allocate money to purchase those resources through reliable human connections. But we need money to give to the people, we realized a way to donate.
The Run-A-thon is where many people pledge any amount, the minimum is $25 per family. The entire family is NOT required to RUN, they may move however they please. Our goal is not to tire out the families but to donate and also have a little fun. The donate button above can be used to pay for the Run-A-thon, the donation minimum is $25, yet we encourage higher amounts for the sake of the fundraiser. If you do NOT want to donate via online, we will have a Credit Card scanner on site ready to take payments, also cash and check are accepted.